Thank you for the question. There are a number of aspects to what you just asked.
We are always conscious of the 75:25 ratio, and we work to manage that very carefully. Any growth on one side must be balanced with the other, and we are working to catch up on the Gatineau side.
This transfer to RCMP reflects a reduction of the costs that were forecast to be borne by them at the site in south Ottawa, so what we are doing is returning to them funding they had provided to us when we started that project.
In response to your question over considering one side or the other and lower costs, yes, we always bring that to the table as PWGSC. We work with our clients, who set their geographic boundaries for their operational and functional reasons, but we do bring that to the table. We have had success, as you know, with the library and archives building in Gatineau next to the preservation centre. We are promoting federal buildings, and as well we currently have two competitions under way in Gatineau for additional federal buildings.