At the time, Mr. Wilson was the Librarian and Archivist of Canada; at the moment, unless I am mistaken, it is Mr. Caron. I have met with both men.
There was talk, at a certain time, of a phase II for the Archives. At the moment, we have what was built around 1993. Public Works and Government Services Canada bought land with a view to phase II of the project. As I understand it—given the trend toward virtual, as opposed to paper, archives, the money was transferred to Archives Canada to store certain archives in what we know as the “old Zellers”, which I imagine will be refitted.
Was that until phase II came on stream? Was all the money transferred? Was it only $5 million? That is still a large sum, $5.3 million. If I remember correctly, the sum of $100 million had been talked about in regard to a phase II. In the meantime, it is a warehouse.