Your office has been fully operational since May 2008. In your report you say that you received some 200 complaints, 110 of which concerned the awarding or administration of contracts. If these calculations are accurate, 71 complaints concerned the awarding of contracts and 39 related to the administration of contracts.
You add that “[...] complaints dealing with procurement issues constitute our core activity and are vital to the task of improving federal government procurement.” You also say this: “We are pleased to report that the team [...] has had to initiate only one formal investigation.”
If you received 110 complaints but only carried out a single formal investigation, that means that according to you, the procurement process has no failings. I don't want to offend you, but one might wonder about the relevance of your office, since you only investigated one complaint. For my part I have a lot of trouble believing that as of May 2008, only one complaint was well grounded and that this reflects the current situation.