There is a requirement under all of our contribution agreements with each and every province and territory to file a quarterly update to the federal government on the status of the projects, the money expended, and the claims they're making to the fund--i.e., how much the federal government requires.
The committee has already received, as has the Parliamentary Budget Officer, all the claims reports submitted in the first round in August and September. That was provided to the committee at your request. It has also been provided to the Parliamentary Budget Officer.
The second round of information was due in November, and we are about 90% of the way through verifying, cleaning up, correcting errors and omissions, and identifying incomplete data. We haven't yet finished verifying the second round of claims information. You have the first round. You do not yet have the second round.
As for what Ontario collects from its municipalities, further to the meeting last week, the agreement between us and Ontario requires Ontario to provide a provincial report to us. It does not require Ontario to provide us with the data it collects from municipalities and other recipients. We have, as you requested at the last session, gone to our lawyers to ask for legal opinion about whether our contribution with Ontario obligates Ontario to provide that data to us.