You've asked many questions.
As I said, casual employee are not subject to the Act. That decision was made to give the system some flexibility. With regard to term employees—and these can also be part-time employees— all legislative requirements must be met. There are various categories of employees.
In our view, the provisions of the Official Languages Act apply. Public servants must provide services and ensure supervision in both official languages. I believe, however, that this requirement does not apply to part-time employees.
The PSC has an obligation to people hired under the Act, and that does not include casual employees. For casual positions, we follow requirements relating to language level, and we administer the tests.
As for the situation of women, statistics show that overall, we are now hiring more women than men in the public service. We have no training plan in place that would allow us to provide opportunities for people recruited as term or casual employees. That does concern me somewhat. I would like to see a hiring process that truly allows us to recruit talent, and that wasn't the case for the current group of people hired as casual employees.
Donald may be able to add something.