Thank you very much.
Thank you for accommodating me so I could have the opportunity to present to you today on small and medium-sized businesses' access to procurement at the federal government level. You should each have a copy of a slide deck, which I will walk through as we go through the presentation.
Starting out, the CFIB is a not-for-profit, non-partisan organization that represents the interests of Canada's independent businesses. We have 105,000 small and medium-sized companies as members, in every part of Canada and in every sector of the economy. We develop our policy positions through survey research. In addition to our political advocacy role, we also produce research that's used by various government departments, the Bank of Canada, and the media, among others.
I'm sure you're aware, and it goes without saying, that the importance of small and medium-sized companies cannot be understated. The fact is that 98% of all businesses in Canada have fewer than 50 employees. SMEs employ 60% of all Canadians, and they represent almost half of Canada's GDP today. They are significant contributors to job creation. They become even more critical during times of economic difficulties because they're the ones who will hold on to their staff as long as possible.
I'd like to point out before I get started that we're not procurement experts at CFIB, but we have a pretty good idea, knowledge, and understanding of SMEs. I'm here to provide you with some feedback on their perspectives on this issue, which comes from a survey we did in May 2008 that resulted in more than 8,000 responses from small and medium-sized companies across Canada. This information has not yet been published, so you are the first to see it.
Starting on slide 4 in the presentation, you'll see that about 29% of SMEs typically sell to all levels of government. They see the government as a key market for their product or service. However, many more, almost half, have actually sold a product or service in the last three years to all levels of government. There are 21% who said they sold a product or service to the federal government.
The next three charts I'm going to let you look over at your own leisure. Basically they provide a bit of a profile of the types of companies in Canada that sell to the federal government. The first looks at it by province, the second looks at it by sector, and the third is by size of firm. It's the third one, on slide eight, that clearly shows that the larger the firm, the more likely they are to be selling to the federal government.
The survey then asked about how businesses typically learn about a government contract. Almost half hear about contracts through business associates, about 40% hear through other means, and the remainder hear through cold-calling the government, the government calling them directly, or they see it in a newspaper, for example. The most important factor here is that only 14% are using MERX. In fact if you look on the next chart, there's a clear correlation between the size of the firm and the likelihood that they're using MERX.
In more than 50 pages of the comments associated with this survey, complaints about the difficulty in finding contracts overall and about navigating MERX were quite plentiful. Ultimately, small businesses like the concept of a central repository they can go to where they can find every government tender. They found MERX difficult to navigate and expensive to use.
Finally, on the next slide, slide 11, we asked businesses about their main obstacles in selling to government . This outlines the results from all respondents in blue, and those that specifically sell to the federal government in red. Among those who sell to the federal government, there's an even greater concern with such issues as the amount of paperwork, difficulty contacting the purchaser, and not being able to determine why their bid was unsuccessful. From the many pages of comments in the survey, it became quite clear that many SMEs have little trust in the procurement process.
I'll give you examples of why that might be. Not being able to get in touch with the purchaser to ask questions or provide ideas and alternative approaches is a significant obstacle for them. Many commented that the official assigned to the tender often has little understanding of the technical aspects of the bid, and they cannot answer simple questions as a result. Furthermore, if the business has an alternative approach that might be effective, they cannot talk to anyone about that approach. If they try to incorporate the alternative approach into the bid, it will be rejected, as it does not follow the exact process outlined in the RFP.
This is a huge problem. It effectively stifles any attempts at innovation and creativity that SMEs can bring to the table, and it may prevent the federal government from getting the best goods or services for their needs. Unfortunately, there seems to be a growing sentiment among SMEs that it's not worth the effort and investment to bid on federal government contracts. The frustration involved in getting together a bid has become so onerous that many have simply given up. Many have said that contracts are difficult to find, and when they do find one, they can involve so much paperwork. In fact we had one member tell us that it cost between $3,000 and $6,000 to put together a federal government bid, and that it's difficult to get answers to questions when you're going through the process.
If you don't win the bid, you're usually not told why you lost it. If you do win a contract, you may not get paid for some time. Government doesn't pay any interest on overdue accounts either. This causes cashflow issues for small businesses, which can be very stressful. It can have a serious impact on them.
Finally, I want to leave you with an additional document, which you should have in front of you. This is a document we produced in 2005, when the previous Liberal government conducted a federal procurement review. It's a set of procurement principles that remain, for the most part, just as relevant today.
Other than principle number four, which talks about a dispute resolution process and has been addressed in the establishment of the Office of the Procurement Ombudsman, which we do support, the other principles remain a challenge that we feel have not been well addressed from the perspective of SMEs. Recent attempts by Public Works to amalgamate federal contracts into fewer very large contracts have made it even more difficult for smaller companies to access the federal government contracts.
All SMEs really want is fair and open access to government contracts, a simplified procurement process, a proper measurement of SME involvement in outcomes, and recognition that they are an important source of innovation and a reliable supplier of goods and services to the Government of Canada.
Thank you.