I'll call the meeting to order, colleagues.
We're pursuing a line of inquiry today on the subject of the federal government's procurement process, but in fact, although that wording is quite general on the order of reference today, the focus of today is on small and medium-sized enterprises, and there is some focus on the information technology procurement area as well.
In addition to that, we're in an envelope of time where the current and upcoming stimulus spending by the federal government may bear some reference to small and medium-sized enterprises and information technology being considered as part of infrastructure. You may consider that a slight refocusing of our general order of reference for today, just in terms of relevance and where we're going with this.
I'm going to introduce our witnesses now, and we have a very good group of witnesses.
From the Canadian Federation of Independent Business, we have Corinne Pohlmann, who is vice-president, national affairs.
We have three individuals from the Department of Public Works: Tim McGrath, assistant deputy minister, real property branch; Shereen Miller, director general, small and medium enterprises sector, acquisitions branch; and Mike Hawkes, special advisor, accelerated infrastructure program.
From the Canadian Business Information Technology Network we have Jeff Lynt and Jean Thivierge.
I understand that the CFIB can be with us for the first hour only, so they'll be presenting. I would like the questioning that follows all of the presentations to be focused first on CFIB, because they do have to leave. The other witnesses, happily, can be with us longer.
The opening statements and presentations should be about five minutes, and if that fits with your agendas, that's great. We can get started, and I will follow the order of reference, with the CFIB to start first.
Ms. Pohlmann, welcome.