We have some fundamental principles that particularly the new funding is built on.
One, we much prefer to have partners, because we can go a lot farther faster. In the case of the example you raised, it's at a much better ratio than one-third, one-third, one-third.
The second issue is that we want it to be incremental. We don't simply want a municipality or province to take any new money and just withdraw money out so there's not a single new job created.
Would we be prepared to look at something that was stalled and that would otherwise not be able to proceed? We can certainly look at that. What I don't want to do, if city X has already committed to spending $1 million on fixing up a bridge or road, is simply give them a third of that money and then have them take a third of theirs out and put it in their bank. Then we're not creating any new jobs, and we're not providing any additional stimulus, which we're committed to do.