That's agreeable, because the change only affects committees that have four opposition chairs.
Now, I know it was the election of the chair only, and we have been away for two months. We didn't start on Monday and we need to decide what we want to do on Wednesday, so I am....
Yes, Madam Bourgeois, let me finish.
I'm just trying to figure out if we can take a look at one of the motions that deals with the stimulus package. We finished the study. We have a report that's already written. It's a five-page report and the analyst has told me that the report is ready. All it needs is an updated list of moneys that have gone out from the government. It will be added as an appendix so that it gives a proper picture of the moneys that have gone out.
If we could just pass that motion so that we can see the report next week, review it, and approve it, we would at least have something to cover us over, and then we can discuss what others can be done.
We'll hear from Madam Bourgeois, and then Mr. Brown.