I'll make it quick, because I think my partner would like to respond as well.
Our focus over the course of the last year, as we've been establishing this business, has been twofold. One is to source out potential environmental technologies, using the expertise of my partner, to see what stage they're in in their development, and to look at ways to help them commercialize, namely in new markets like China and India.
I won't mention the name of the company, but we're working with one currently to develop renewable energy in China with partners in China. That's a major part of our business. The other part of our business is to develop potential solar projects here in the province of Ontario, under the FIT program, which is something many people are involved in. We look for sites where we can develop solar projects, and then we put the financing together through private sources to be able to develop that.
We haven't developed one yet. We're in the process of developing one, and we hope to have one done by the end of the summer.