Thank you, Madam Chair.
I think, first and foremost, we should be offended as a committee that both of these ministers have chosen not to attend because they have decided that we have nothing to learn from them. How do they know what questions we're going to ask them? Witnesses don't get to decide whether they'll attend a parliamentary committee, based on their decision that they have nothing to share with the committee. That's not acceptable.
I think a letter should go from the clerk. I know we can't compel a minister to attend here, but we can voice our dissatisfaction and displeasure that they chose not to attend, seeing as they were both sitting there in question period today.
A letter, I think, should go from this committee to Lisa Raitt and Christian Paradis, expressing our displeasure and our dissatisfaction with what is tantamount to an insult to the committee.
But Brian Jean's office is right down the hallway. I think we should all attend Brian Jean's office. He has a nice boardroom there. We could simply pack up this committee and move down there. We'll visit him if he hasn't the courtesy to visit us. That would be one course of action that I could propose.
Other than that, I think we risk losing credibility as a committee if we don't at least give deference to the main mandate of this committee. I was part of this committee when it was created, when Reg Alcock was the first chair—the founding chair—and I was a founding member. We were all excited that finally some committee was going to give proper attention to the estimates process in Parliament.
We spend a lot of time on the public accounts committee analyzing money and how it was spent, but we spend almost no time analyzing what is proposed to be spent or if it seems justifiable or wise. It's half the name of our committee: it's the “government operations and estimates” committee. It would be really irresponsible to allow the main estimates to go by us without giving them a decent amount of time, while we're chasing down what may be an impossible task--some resolution of the Jaffer-Guergis affair.
That's all I would say. I think this is a very good list of witnesses. I don't know who wrote this one, but it's actually very good.