I thank you for the question.
I don't want to be too long on this, because it can get technical, but in our asset facility management plan, we have a process whereby we establish priorities. You're not going to be surprised that our top priorities are health and safety, and then we go down the list. So these are our so-called A projects, B projects, C projects.
As you may imagine, the top of the apex is wide, but it's fairly narrow when you compare that to the rest of the investments one would have to make to bring the assets to the absolute level where they should be. It has been mentioned in the past, not recently, that the quantity of resources we get per annum--about $450 million, or half a billion per annum--compared to the capitalization deficit overall in our building, is a fraction. One can be measured in billions; the other one is measured in half a billion a year.
It doesn't mean that we have substantial issues. Just like your house, you go to the--