These adjustments were done from year to year. We have price adjustments, on what we call these entries, systematically, if we can make our case, and we've always been able to make our case and get a price adjustment.
The one entry that is a new variable is the economic action plan; there's no question there. This year it is half of the amount, $224 million. We had some of that money last year, and this year, as you said, is the last year. This increment will disappear. So in practice, in reality, next fiscal year this amount will not be in the main estimates. We all know--the signal has been very clear--it is to be used, and at the end of the fiscal year it will disappear.
The point I'm making here, my emphasis, is that in terms of price adjustments, we get relief for that when we can make our case. So one can expect that, for next fiscal year, if we can make our case and convince people that we should get price protection...and I'll use my words here. Secondly, there could be still some reprofiling: money that we were not able to use and that was carried forward or reprofiled with a view to making the proper amount of work.