When the competitive processes are prepared, when it involves an acquisition strategy, criteria, the team responsible for selecting or evaluating criteria, I am not even involved in those decisions. That is done at the program level. So there is some distance established, and I think that is very sound. The process takes place, I am told who got the contract, for example if it is about airplanes, etc.
The Minister is made aware when Treasury Board has to be approached for the supply needed. In other words, if the authorities are within the Department, the contracts are awarded. I'm talking about 60,000 transactions. So I don't see them. That responsibility is assigned to people; as Deputy Minister, I create the conditions that allow them to work properly. To do that, I have the assistance of my management team.
When some delegations exceed my authority and the approvals needed have to be obtained from Treasury Board, a submission for it is prepared. We submit comments to the Minister, which is to be expected. It is then forwarded to Treasury Board, and then it is approved or refused. That is what ties it all up. Those are the circumstances in which the Minister is involved.