Thank you.
In fact, I would like to go deeper into the question of possible expenditures. I would like to know something. PWGSC awards various contracts. Some companies take over the contracts. What I'm talking about is the fact that a company that gets a contract can turn it over to another company. In some cases, the invitation to tender provides for transition periods, but in other cases there are none.
I would like to give a very specific example. For computer contracts, there are often additional costs that weren't provided for. One I am thinking of is the CGI contract in 2007. When the contract was signed, CGI had to pay for additional costs that were not originally planned for.
I'll give another example, to put you on the right track. The federal employees relocation program provides for a transition period, for speedy market entry. Why do some cases have that and not others? Where is that in your estimates?