But really, nothing has changed. It's just like it was under the last Liberal government. The public appointments are done with a big Rolodex in the PMO of friends and party faithful, and nothing has really changed there. But I won't dwell on that.
I wanted to ask you about the advertising as well. This $3.6 million, above and beyond the $42 million they've spent advertising in print, broadcast, and online media to promote the economic action plan, the money is already spent. What are we promoting? What information do we have to give to the public now that it's too late to apply for the money anyway? You could see the home renovation tax credit or something needed an information program so the public would know the program exists and how to apply for it, but a lot of people are starting to say this is really just the government blowing its own horn, or trying to take credit, to feel good about the Conservative brand.