When he came to the meeting, I didn't know who he was. He came and was introduced to me. What he said to me was that he had been a member of Parliament for 12 years for Edmonton, that he was no longer an MP, having lost the last election, but he had a green company looking for green initiatives, green technologies. Remember, he was introduced to me by Gillani. I said fine, and we talked a bit willy-nilly.
Actually, I didn't know his wife at the time. We talked over lunch. I thought his wife actually was from Edmonton. I didn't know she was from where I had my cottage. He said, “No, my wife is from Simcoe”. That's when I said, “I wonder would she help me to reach politicians, because I can't get anybody's attention”. Site 41, I don't know if you're aware of it, has been an ongoing battle for the people up there, and finally yesterday the vote was unanimous to close it and never do it again, ever. But that hadn't occurred at that time. That was back in July.