I asked her because she was my MP. It was said earlier that I wasn't in her riding. I am in Collingwood. I've had a place in Collingwood for 32 years. That's her riding. I have one over in Midland that's not, but that's the MPP, the Conservative, Garfield Dunlop. I also went into his office with my brochure, with the stuff you're reading here, all that stuff. I showed him what I could do.
Site 41 is very important to me, because I love Georgian Bay. It's a very special place, and we were going to destroy the water. If they put that landfill in there, it would destroy the finest water in the world. There was a band of people up there who didn't want it. In fact, they won the day, because it was decided that it will never be done. They'll never put a dump there.
I would ask any MP or MPP to help me. I hope I have a right to do that.
Her secretary said she'd talk to her, because she was in Vancouver or somewhere, but she did give me a two-minute call, and I got a letter.