Well, the Lobbying Act offences are Criminal Code offences, so I'm not sure what value my speculation has. We had no contact with Mr. Jaffer in this regard. My contact with Mr. Glémaud involved one lunch he was at with a number of other people, and I was cc'd on two e-mails.
What he did, and I guess that's the missing piece here that you're going to have to sort out, would all come down to what kind of dialogue went on between him and the public office holders or the designated public office holders. I'm not party to what went on there, but I think that gets to the crux of your question. The rules are clear with respect to what you can and cannot do. But as I said, I don't think I'm in a position to give you anything other than a theory that anybody on the street reading this in the press would have. And I'm not sure that this is going to advance your study at all.