I suppose I could have. I didn't. But I did bring the NRCan renewable energy federal funding sources web page and the Canadian solar association web page. Both had links to financial assistance for renewable energy, and this program is not listed on either of those.
The reason I made that point is it explains why, when he brought this program up, I wasn't aware of it, because that's the normal way I would have taken a look and seen what programs were out there, what envelopes were out there.
But to go back to the point, in the FIT program in Ontario, it's already a subsidy. You don't need to go looking for others. In fact, there's a little push-back to say that the subsidy is in some cases too generous. I disagree with that. But it's already a program that's subsidized, so we had no interest really in exploring other sources. That's especially if they were going to be roads that would take up time with a very, very, very limited chance of any success--in this case no chance of success.