We provided a very detailed spreadsheet, department by department, for Treasury Board Secretariat officials so they could fill it out. They still came back and said this is a cabinet confidence.
With respect to some of our costing exercises, again, it's different. For anything with respect to the Truth in Sentencing Act, I think the government's policy said that officially this is a cabinet confidence. They provided no estimates to Parliament while this was being debated. We saw $90 million go into the estimates for 2010-11 and we didn't see any numbers in terms of the fiscal impact numbers come out until after we started putting our numbers out and some of our numbers were being discussed. We're starting to see more numbers come out in dribs and drabs in terms of the number of additional cells required. Everything was a cabinet confidence when we were having these conversations trying to cost this, starting this exercise back in the late fall of 2009.