It certainly is a challenge for us as parliamentarians, and I think it shows a lack of respect.
Mr. Chair, I'd like to ask that under the study we're doing now we request the cost estimate for the Truth In Sentencing Act, including the key assumptions, the sensitivity analysis, and the budgeting models that were used. If we could have that for this committee, I think it would be helpful. I'd like to ask for that from the department.
Thank you.
I'd like to also talk a bit about the impact on the report on planning and priorities. I see and I'm assuming that clearly not enough has been budgeted; that there is a challenge with the accuracy of the government's numbers. You talk about the spending growth and what, in your analysis, you thought was going to be required and, not even having the information you required, about being able to make some estimates that a tremendous amount of money will be required. We know that the average spending growth in this department is going to be about 12.8%.
Can you give us an overview of what you think are going to be the numbers the growth in this department will require? And comment about whether or not you think the estimates for the department are clearly adequate and whether or not they're accurate.