Well, thank you. I'm actually tempted to follow up on what my colleague Chris was raising, but I'd like to begin with a bit of a preamble.
It seems to me you've brought to the table.... The leading authorities of the industry are with us here today. But it seems to me that there are things that we could....
You know, in the best interests of the lumber industry, etc., this is a relatively minor point. We have bigger fish to fry and bigger problems to deal with than the moulding and the trim around the decorative use of wood in some of our government buildings.
Now, I say this as a certified journeyman carpenter by trade. I used to be the head of the carpenters union, I worked in three sawmills, and I worked for the forest service for four years, so I have an affection and an affinity for the use of lumber and the use of wood. My first reaction when I saw this bill was how can we possibly dictate the use of building materials for Public Works? It seemed ridiculous to me. But I understand it better now, having listened to some of the arguments put forward.
I, too, have been concerned that if we're using all of this energy, the combined might of the whole industry, to push for something, we'd be better off promoting platform framing in Japan or someplace where they need a lot of homes built, or trying to redraft the catastrophic softwood lumber agreement with the United States to protect ourselves from tariffs and things.
This is the Parliament of Canada. We really shouldn't be seized of the issue of what kind of flooring we're going to put into the next public building that we build. It's almost insulting, frankly, for us to be using our time on this. I mean, are we going to have a private members' bill to dictate what kind of curtains we put in the next building we build? I'm starting to get frustrated with this.
There's a second thing, too. I understand that the logging industry, lumber industry, ranges from among the most responsible industries in the world to the most irresponsible industries in the world. It covers that whole spectrum. I've seen clear-cut logging, as we call it, in Canada, and I'm also well aware that we're defoliating the rain forests so we can get rosewood, decorative timbers, etc.
This committee should probably be looking at a sustainable future, in terms of using inorganic materials instead of organic materials to build with. I'm a carpenter by trade, I made my living for all of my adult life and I raised a family working with wood, but I'm ready to concede that wood, by its very nature, begins to decompose the minute you cut it down. This whole planet has a tiny thin layer of life on it. The ecstatic layer of the planet is so thin and so vulnerable that we could build our buildings with what's beneath that ecstatic layer. It doesn't decompose and we don't have to eliminate habitat, etc.
If we were talking big picture, about a sustainable future, we wouldn't be talking about a better way to cut down more trees and build with material that begins to rot the moment you use it. We would be talking about a way to build things without....
At any rate, I hope we can deal with this quickly and move major amendments to this bill so that it doesn't interfere with our trade relations. And maybe--maybe, as there's really no room in legislation to dictate this kind of thing anyway--we could advise the government to consider the advantages of using wood domestically, when it's appropriate, but that's about as far as I would go.