First of all, it's a bit like déjà vu all over again, as Yogi Berra said. We were before the Senate committee on agriculture and forestry, which was looking at exactly the kinds of questions you are looking at--i.e., how to enhance the use of wood products in the non-residential construction industry. They were taking a very general comprehensive look at what needed to be done. They were looking at the building code and they were looking at the need for more R and I in the industry, etc.
I think those were positive steps. They were talking and consulting with the industry at large about how best to proceed, how best to help the forest industry along, without it being in a situation where they were setting them up against other building suppliers. So I think that's number one.
The Senate committee spent several months looking at this issue, and one of the things we said to them was, yes, look at those areas. There is already a process in place, a very clear process, on how to change the Canada building code. The Canadian building code itself to a great degree doesn't have any force and effect until adopted by other jurisdictions, but there is a process in place by which to make changes through that process, to have them critiqued by experts, by scientists, by researchers, etc.