Thank you very much.
Thank you to each of you for taking the time from your very hectic schedules to be here today. We certainly appreciate it.
This is all about the budget and all about the financial requirements for the G-8/G-20. As you can appreciate, it was such a large number. We have questions we need to ask you so that we can be assured of the correct spending procedures we have within the government.
I also want to thank you for all that you do for our country. Thank you very much for that.
My first question, I guess, is a general one and really only requires a yes or a no to begin with. If I see nodding heads, we'll move on to the next question.
Mr. Elcock, when he was here at the last meeting, said that there was a detailed plan, and I'm assured that there was a detailed plan. I think I heard it from a number of you. I'm seeing a general yes on that.
I want to go to that detailed plan, because when Mr. Elcock was here he said that you need to have your plan, and once you have your plan, you know precisely what the costs will be. That's what he said when he was here last week: once you have your plan, you know precisely what your costs will be.
I want to go to precisely what the costs will be. I think I'll start first, if I may, with Superintendent MacNeil.
I appreciate all you have done for this. Could you please elaborate on the $507 million you were allocated for the G-8/G-20? Specifically, I was wondering about a breakdown of these expenditures. As you know, we only have a breakdown of about $200 million. The other billion dollars, as we understand it—or close on a billion dollars—was allocated for security.
Knowing that you had a plan, knowing that you had a budget, and knowing that you had budget assumptions, could you please give us some detail on that?