I wonder why that specific riding. He doesn't live in that riding. He just thought Mr. Pichet should get $1,000. And then Mr. Pichet, presumably, knows somebody in Public Works, because they very conveniently rigged the bid for this contract by changing fundamental parts of this contract three days before the tender closed. Otherwise Sauvé would never, never have gotten on that bidders list. He simply wouldn't have. He was out of his league. But if he pays $118,000 to you, you find a way.
I mean, why would a guy give you that kind of money unless he had an expectation of you fixing his problem getting onto this job? You'd have to be stupid to give somebody $5,000 a month so you can hand around leaflets to strangers on the street. I'm not an idiot, and I don't think Mr. Sauvé is an idiot.