On coordinating the security, the security planning for the G-20 event was done as part of a joint operation, led by the RCMP, in the integrated security unit. But within the planning for that event, there were a number of different areas within the summit site that were designated the primary responsibility.... For example, where the summit was taking place, in the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, in the region where the hotels...what might be considered the central security zone, with security and responsibility for the summit site and the summit participants, the internationally protected persons, the primary responsibility was with the RCMP.
There was also an interdiction zone immediately outside of that central zone, which was again the responsibility of the RCMP. Outside that restricted area, within the downtown core of Toronto, that area was primarily the responsibility of the Toronto Police Service. But it was done in an integrated fashion. And what I mean by that is within our major incident command centre, there were representatives of all of the police services participating, including the other emergency services—our fire, our ambulance, the military, and others—who were all working in a very integrated and collaborative way to provide security for the event.
But the primary responsibility for policing the streets of Toronto was my responsibility. The primary responsibility for the security of the summit site was that of the RCMP.