That would be very useful to know.
We don't even know where to start here, frankly. It just seems to us to be the most wild, irresponsible, cavalier, and offensive scattering of money that we've seen. What it boils down to is that they either think we're really dumb or they don't care what we think about them. Any objective outsider looking at this couldn't help but determine that this has nothing to do with Huntsville.
Again, it's hard to know how to question you, because you were simply implementing the directives from your political masters. But beautifying downtown or streetscaping and so on is one thing when it's in Huntsville, where we may in fact have G-8 visitors, but the rest of Muskoka is already beautiful. We don't need to brand it as a beautiful place.
Let me ask another specific question. How did we give a $1.3-million sole-source contract to Bell? Whose department would that have been? Our notes show us that Bell Canada got a $1.3-million telecommunications contract from Public Works. How did that go through with no competitive tendering process?