I have a question for Public Works. Where is the status report on the internal infrastructure programs Public Works undertook, which had a costed value of about $1 billion? The accounting value was different.
Is there any update on the value of the accomplishments? In the last economic action plan.... Because it's not subject to any scrutiny, it is a fairly unsure document. It doesn't tie back into any financials. Every time it's been published, it's been restated, so the average member of the public can't follow the promise from the first action report to performance in the next.
On this very specific thing, Public Works had $1 billion of infrastructure for harbours, bridges, and so on, and internal infrastructure commitments. Have those been met? There's been a lot of discussion. We just heard yesterday that the finance minister is not going to allow municipalities to go beyond. Is this money going to be rolled over internally? Is it all getting done on time? Can you give us an indication about that?