To address your earlier comments about the costs and/or benefits to Toronto, the CEO of the Greater Toronto Hotel Association said that it was probably the single largest event in a decade, in terms of booking. He actually stated, “This is our economic stimulus package.”
The University of Toronto, in its G-8 and G-20 research groups, studied the economic impact of the G-8 and G-20 summits on Toronto. Their conclusion was that the G-20 would generate about $100 million in economic activity for Toronto, and their official estimate on the G-8 side was that it would be about a $300 million benefit to the region. The other number I had was that according to Tourism Toronto, the summit was expected to generate some $53 million in direct spending by delegates in the area, on everything from food to entertainment, you name it. That's how the Tourism Toronto folks saw it. So overall, it was a net benefit to Toronto.