Yes. In fact in our planning exercise—we have been doing them since May 2008—that issue did come up. We have a number of factors we consider when we are deciding which practice reviews to do. We have resources to take into account. We have areas of risk. We have what the Auditor General is already looking at; we consider that because we want to avoid duplication. We consider what the Comptroller General of Canada is looking at, again because we want to avoid duplication. We look at Canadian International Trade Tribunal decisions to determine what areas are of particular interest.
Since others were already looking at that issue, we decided not to look at that. But again, there were other considerations in our planning and our decision-making for the practice reviews we have conducted over the last two years.
We are a young office, so it could be that we'd look at something like that in the future. But at the time, decisions were made based on a number of considerations.