Thank you for the question.
If you look to the medium term, we should probably start by saying the IMF, the PBO, and certainly the Department of Finance are saying the deficits will decline. I think we're all saying, for the most part--certainly the IMF and the PBO are saying--that a large part of the current deficit is cyclical, which means as the economy recovers it will go away. Both the PBO and the IMF are saying there's a small structural component to this deficit, which will not go away even when the economy recovers back to its potential, which for both the PBO and the IMF is about in the timeframe of 2013-14, so we're still showing a deficit when the economy is back to its potential. We've closed this outward gap but we still have a deficit.
The primary differences between the PBO's forecast and the forecast of Finance Canada is on the expenditure side. One of the differences is the issue we're here today to discuss, the operational freeze. I guess what we are saying is until we see the plan, we're not prepared to say that the operational freeze is achievable.