Thank you, Chair.
I have a brief introduction. Mr. Sahir Khan is the assistant parliamentary budget officer for revenue and expenditure analysis. Jason Jacques is the author of one of the papers we're talking about here today; he's a senior analyst for us on the revenue and expenditure side. And Dr. Mostafa Askari is our assistant parliamentary budget officer for economic and fiscal analysis.
Thank you, Chair and committee members, for the opportunity to appear before you today in support of the committee's ongoing review of the government's operating budget freeze announced in Budget 2010.
The Parliamentary Budget Office released two notes for parliamentarians and Canadians on January 20, 2011. One note is entitled “A Comparison of PBO and IMF Projections” and another is entitled “Monitoring Update on the Government's Operating Freeze”.
The first paper provides some fiscal planning contexts for the government austerity measures — including the three-year operational freeze.
It says both the PBO and IMF are projecting deficits over the next five years that are cumulatively higher than the government of Canada projections. Indeed, the IMF estimates a cumulative deficit of $145 billion; the PBO estimate is $140 billion — and Finance Canada estimates that there will be a $107 billion cumulative deficit.
PBO and IMF analyses indicate that the current deficits are largely cyclical, meaning that as the economy recovers the deficit will decline, but that there is a structural component to the deficit which will continue to exist even when the economy returns to its potential.
Both the PBO and IMF are calling on the federal government to produce long-term fiscal sustainability analysis. Notwithstanding the recent and projected deficits resulting from the recession and the deficit-financed stimulus program, it is the view of the PBO that the major fiscal challenges facing the federal government relate to the challenges of aging demographics and relatively weak productivity growth, which are not addressed adequately by temporary freeze measures.
Budget 2010 announced three measures to reduce the rate of growth in operating spending. Collectively, these initiatives are referred to as an operating freeze and are expected to save $6.8 billion over five years. This includes $300 million in 2010-11, rising to $900 million in 2011-12 and $1.8 billion in 2012-13. Supplementary estimates (B) 2010-11 contained references to 51 reductions in departmental and agency budgets, for a total of $180 million in 2010-11 relative to the planned $300 million.
The second paper provides an assessment of the strategies used by a select group of federal departments to manage the impact of the government's operating freeze on human resources. According to the public accounts, personnel expenditures represent about 67% of operating expenditures. The analysis suggests that departmental business planning may not be aligned with planned resources set out in the 2010 budget.
The President of the Treasury Board has noted that public service attrition will be a primary mechanism to achieve the operating freeze savings targets, observing that approximately 11,000 public servants vacate their positions each year. Using publicly available data for 10 relatively large federal departments from the 2010-11 reports on plans and priorities documents, we note that the cumulative reduction over three years amounts to about 1,100 employees. This figure is well below the annual attrition figure of 11,000 highlighted by Minister Day.
Of the eight departments that provided PBO with the requested information on human resources, most departments identified budget constraint as a key factor in human resource planning over the medium term. Only one identified a concrete strategy to address its impact.
As you are aware, this committee and the PBO have requested details regarding how the planned operating freeze would be achieved over the projection period. The government indicated that this information is a cabinet confidence and will not be released to the public.
Parliamentarians may wish to ask the government to provide the strategy to achieve the estimated operating savings in the 2011 budget and ask departments and agencies to outline their plans to achieve their respective three-year savings contributions in their 2011-12 reports on plans and priorities.
It is our view that this would be similar to the approach the government took in its economic action plan, where the two-year stimulus strategy was outlined in the 2009 budget, including additional planned resources for government programs, before Parliament was asked to provide financial authorities. The transparency requirements for parliamentarians for stimulus should parallel those required for austerity measures.
The PBO also wishes to note that this government provided Parliament details on spending restraints by department and agency in 2006, prior to parliamentary approval of financial authorities, as did the previous government in 2005 in its expenditure review exercise. This raises the question as to why the application of cabinet confidence with respect to restraint measures appears to have changed in a relatively short period of time.
Thank you for this opportunity to speak and to serve this committee. We would be honoured to address your questions.
Thank you very much, Chair and committee members.