Well, this is travel by public servants, primarily across the country. We do not have as much international travel as we had in the past. That was one of the reduction measures. We've driven those costs down. But we try to find the right balance in terms of learning and development opportunities for the staff. In some cases there still is international travel because some of the best events occur outside of Canada.
In terms of our hospitality, it's just been a very focused effort to say that in these events or these certain types of activities we're not going to fund hospitality using taxpayers' money. This has allowed us to take a much more rigorous approach in managing that and exercising the authorities that managers have in making decisions around hospitality.
This is very much in line with the direction that's been given to most government departments, when their hospitality and travel budgets were frozen at the 2009 levels. We made an internal decision that we're not just going to accept the freeze; we're actually going to reduce the costs, both to help out with any reduction initiatives we have to put in place, and potentially, when we've met those, if there are any additional moneys left over, looking at investing them into some of our other priorities or high-risk areas.