Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Thank you to the witnesses.
I'm going to pick up on what some of my colleagues have been talking about. I like numbers. I like stats. If I understand this correctly, the operating freeze is $4.1 million in 2011-12 and $5.2 million 2012-13, and the attrition of 3,000 has nothing to do with the operating freeze.
I would ask that you table with this committee the numbers for the 950 retirements and 750 in attrition, what the technology is, and what the savings are going to be with regard to travel and conferences. I'd like to see those numbers and a real breakdown of where those savings are coming from.
The next thing I would ask is that you please table with the committee what the attrition rate has been at HRSDC over the last five years. I would also like to know how many of those positions were actually replaced.
Going forward, I will ask whether you are delaying the replacement of positions that become open through attrition.