That's very important. H1N1 is a good example. The campaigns, especially something that important, would all be what we call pre-tested. The department would make sure that there was a focus group of people with young children, another focus group of seniors, whatever. You would test the messaging.
You would do that for two reasons. One, you need to make sure that they understand the message. It's pretty direct to say “get vaccinated”, but you want to make sure that you're explaining it to people in such a way that they understand. Secondly, you're dispelling myths. If you remember, at the time of H1N1 there were a lot of misperceptions, myths, and fears around. When you're doing this pre-testing with your focus groups, you're making sure that they understand the message and that it's addressing the key things they need. Thirdly, you want to see if they're going to change behaviour. So in the example I was using, coughing or washing your hands frequently, you're testing to see whether they got that message. We consider it extremely important with major campaigns to do this, as you say, testing with a service group.