Every year the government either does a Speech from the Throne or a budget, and the priorities for advertising are usually laid out as coming out of that budget under themes. For example, I have done a one-page handout of the major themes that are actually related to the Speech from the Throne for 2010-2011—families, economy, recruitment. When those major themes are established, my role is coordination and pulling together this annual advertising plan. We would work with departments to pull together advertising campaigns under each of those themes.
So under families, just as an example, you would have protecting the health and safety of Canadians, or victims of crime, and you'll see the various posters there. As the departments pull together those campaigns—and they're the ones that know their clients best, so they pull it together—they would work very closely with Public Works to make sure procurement and policies and procedures are followed, and they would work very closely with Treasury Board to make sure the common look and feel and the fit are identified properly in the creative concept.
As they come together, we also look. Ministers' offices look. So these things are not usually developed in one step. They're usually developed back and forth, back and forth. They're pre-tested. They're adjusted. There are many checks and balances built into this as it goes forward. And then after it's over, after it has run, if the campaign is a major one, we do an evaluation. The department must do an evaluation of the campaign.