Okay. Thank you.
I have a question that goes back to something that occurred this past fall. In response to an order paper question from the member for Brampton--Springdale it was revealed that the Conservatives spent money advertising on various websites. One of the websites was Hollywoodtuna.com and there was another one they spent for Google AdWords and some pretty risqué pages came up. I'm just wondering who actually approves the spending of that money. When I go back and I look at Hollywoodtuna.com and if I look at some of the Google AdWords searches that the Conservatives have spent money on--and I think there's another website called PhotoForum.ru--it certainly would not be within what I think would be the right and proper things for the Government of Canada to be spending its money on. Could you comment on that?
If PMO and PCO are approving all this spending for advertising and the cabinet is actually the one saying where the advertising is going, I'm concerned that it's showing up on some pretty risqué sites.