Thank you for that full discussion. I appreciate it.
I have two questions arising out of it. Yesterday there was a report by the Information Commissioner that touched on some of these key points. She mentioned the interference, in some ways, of some of the political staff with the public service staff. She wanted improved powers to go out there to do better investigations and bring charges, if need be. On a lot of what you're talking about, there is some cohesiveness between the two reports.
You talked about independent assurance that appointments to positions of leadership are merit-based and not politically influenced. We've been studying the integrity commissioner, and one of the things that arose out of our discussions was the fact that the chair of the selection committee is the Treasury Board president, the Honourable Stockwell Day. I questioned whether that was the most appropriate position for someone of his stature to hold, and whether it could cause some conflict because of the role of the integrity commissioner.
Would you comment on that? What would be your guidance in this regard? The person who answered the question also pointed out that the Treasury Board president was also the chair of the selection committee for the Auditor General, for example. Do you have concerns about that at all?