Mr. Chair, I do have a recommendation, and I think it's actually fairer than what we've had in the past, to be honest with you. I did an analysis of how many seats we have in the House. The Conservatives have 53% of the seats, the NDP has 33%, and the Liberals have 11%. I have no issue with the five- to ten-minute piece for opening statements, so let's make the assumption to make things as simple as possible.
The first round used to be a round of seven minutes in a lot of committees, so I think it's fair to give everybody five. What I recommend is 30-minute rounds, six rounds, and every round exactly the same. If we get through round one, this repeats itself in rounds two and three. It would be five minutes for the Conservatives, five minutes for the NDP, five minutes for the Conservatives, five minutes for the NDP, five minutes for the Conservatives, and five minutes for the Liberals. That's 30 minutes.
If we get through two rounds, that virtually gets everybody covered. Actually, the NDP gets an extra turn and the Liberals get an extra turn. One of us on our side will likely have to miss. If we get to three rounds, then everybody gets covered off on that. It's very simple: five minutes each in that rotation and then it would continue to repeat itself. It would just be one round continuing to repeat itself.