Thank you for coming in today.
I have a few questions about the evolution of a product life cycle. There is some basic blue-sky research that companies do; then there's sometimes a patent; then there's a product development effort.
Could you describe the process of how you worked with CICP? It sounds as though you didn't have a final product, necessarily, or there was a high-level set of requirements given to you in each of your examples, with the Department of Foreign Affairs and then also when it came to radiation detection and so on, and that there was further work that CICP did with you to refine the product.
Could you describe how that works? It doesn't sound as though there was a final set of requirements given to you in each of these cases; it was basically a question of responding to a request for proposals.
Could you describe that working relationship? And where within your product and service evolution did CICP intervene, and how did that help you?