I'll start; I have the letters a and b in my name.
Certainly, I think stretch goals are always excellent. In business, the way you incent salespeople to make sales is usually to dangle carrots in front of them, right? So from the point of view of trying to get a small business or an SME to spend more on R and D, there have to be incentives.
I think programs like IRAP--unfortunately, John had early bad experiences--have been tremendous. I think IRAP understands how to get SMEs to spend on R and D and do innovative stuff. Kudos to the government for giving them the $200 million two years ago. The problem with IRAP is that their funding is cyclical. It's never reliable. So that's where there should be a fix.
The other one is SR and ED. The more people who leverage that, hopefully, the more innovation you will get. As for whether or not you need to create another program, I read the Jenkins report. I read the recommendations of the Jenkins report. I spent 11 years at the NRC before deciding to become a crazy entrepreneur, and I can tell you, I have lived research, and I don't think it's a good idea to cancel NRC, start a new institute, and move IRAP somewhere else. Keep IRAP where it is and just change your spending in terms of what you're doing: move that budget over.