Were you around last year for GENS? That was the last time I gave testimony at this committee. That was a specific attempt to push out small and medium-sized enterprises, to give what started out as one large contract but turned into two large contracts. Their answer was to provide a set-aside for small business through whoever won the contract. It was basically bundling everything together and the one winner would take all. We saw that as a direct attack on small business.
I think we are constantly concerned about this type of mentality that's really out there, that “one throat to choke”, and the only way you're going to do that is to give it to one company. As I mentioned earlier, we constantly see RFPs. We can certainly provide you with examples where the bar is too high,for no relevant purpose. Why exactly does a company that is going to deliver services for less than $1 million have to be a $20-million company? It just doesn't make sense.
We can certainly provide you a lot of examples.