I think one of the key things is connecting more with business associations and other organizations that do have that touch with businesses that are going to be interested in procurement-type practices. I know they do some of that outreach already, but I think that's probably the most effective way of getting into the smaller business type of environment. Traditional methods of flyers and seminars don't really work well with very small businesses. They just don't have the time to go to the seminars. They don't really read government flyers. It is a challenge with many organizations. We know that.
We certainly would be happy to try.... We ourselves, as Louis pointed out, do talk about it with our members. We do have it up on our website. This is an access point of information. But truly, in the end, it's going to come down to word of mouth and being effective in terms of helping some small business owners, and then talk about them to other small business owners. That's ultimately how it's going to gain traction.