The best example would be something that actually happened in the course of this year. We were not screened out of CICP, but we were screened out of an opportunity with the Canadian Commercial Corporation to sell a similar type of product to a foreign government. At the same time, we were accepted by Exxon Mobil as a supplier for essentially the same technology within their procurement system, and as well by a major defence contractor in Germany to supply the German navy.
So what I saw was that for essentially the same technology--the same company, the same financial status--we were good for the super majors, but we weren't good enough for the Canadian Commercial Corporation. Speaking with the Canadian Commercial Corporation, it's basically that their rules are such that new technologies and new companies are very difficult for them to deal with, because of high-risk factors. I think something like the CICP can bridge that gap to a certain degree, because it seems to have a lower threshold, let's say, than CCC for accepting companies.