Yes. We definitely aspire to be a global company. Absolutely. Whether or not we will be is very much in the balance.
One of our closest competitors—I'm going to leave the name out—is much less mature than we are. They don't even have a product yet. They have no revenue. We have three-quarters of a million in revenue and very soon we'll have more than $2 million in revenue. Yet they have been able to raise, within Silicon Valley, $22 million of venture funding. We have been able to raise nothing in venture capital. Again, if you look at the technology, ours is demonstrably superior and more mature.
That is the core problem that needs to be addressed. Without financing and investment of a scale that's competitive with what you're seeing in Silicon Valley, it will be difficult for Canadian companies to become global. We will continue to exit early, as we do, for pennies on the dollar, being acquired by big U.S. corporations.