We are going to replace epass. The initial technology was epass and Bell Canada was the provider. The technology has evolved into the current Access Key, which is still provided by Bell. I have the details here regarding costs, and so on.
But the new technology that we are proposing and for which we are asking $16.5 million comes from SecureKey Technologies. That’s the technology that made it possible to develop the security system currently used for the banking systems of chartered banks. So the idea is to use this technology that has proved its worth and that is well established, and to benefit from the investments made by the private sector. That gives us some quite attractive prices.
In addition, we have to say that cybersecurity is now the responsibility of Shared Services Canada, whose representatives will appear before this committee on December 8, if I am not mistaken. They will then be able to provide you with a more accurate answer.
I could quote some numbers and go into more detail, if you wish.