Thank you very much.
Good afternoon, Mr. Chairman.
I am pleased to meet with the members of the Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates.
I am accompanied by Mr. Yvan Roy, Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet, Legislation and House Planning and Machinery of Government, and Counsel, Privy Council Office, and by Mr. Bill Pentney, Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet, Plans and Consultations.
My introductory comments pertain to the 2011-12 supplementary estimates (B) for the Privy Council Office and, as we have several distinct items, I will speak to these without further preamble.
PCO is requesting a net amount of $11.4 million which is comprised of eight specific items.
The first item, in the amount of $10.6 million, is for continuing these activities of the Commission of Inquiry into the Decline of Sockeye Salmon in the Fraser River. The commission was established by Order in Council P.C. 2009-1860, dated November 5, 2009, under part I of the Inquiries Act, on the recommendation of the Prime Minister. The Honourable Bruce Cohen was appointed as commissioner.
The mandate of the commissioner is to identify the reasons for the decline and the long-term prospects for Fraser River sockeye salmon stocks and to determine whether or not changes need to be made to fisheries management policies, practices, and procedures. The commissioner's original terms of reference directed him to submit, on or before May 1, 2011, a final report or reports in both official languages to the Governor in Council. An extension was granted to the commissioner and he must now present his final report to the Governor in Council by June 30, 2012.
The second item, in the amount of $1 million, is for the Office of the Special Advisor on Human Smuggling and Illegal Migration, created in September 2010. The funding will be used to coordinate the government's strategy and response to migrant smuggling by sea and to establish a governance structure to enable the Special Advisor on Human Smuggling to provide overall coordination at all levels: operational, policy development, and strategic development.
The successful prevention of human smuggling requires close cooperation with international partners. A multi-faceted approach is required that includes prevention and international cooperation. Since his appointment, Mr. Elcock, the Special Advisor on Human Smuggling, has met with officials in several countries to discuss cooperation to combat human smuggling.
The third item, also in the amount of $1 million, is for continuing the activities related to the implementation and coordination of the government-wide communication strategy for Canada's economic action plan. This amount of $1 million relates to PCO's 2010-11 EAP surplus that was carried forward to 2011-12 to enable PCO to continue to coordinate EAP communications.
The fourth item, in the amount of $0.2 million, is to fund the advertising initiative “Advertising Corporate Identity” under the government advertising program. The purpose of this initiative is to reinforce the government's identity in print, broadcast, out-of-home, and new media advertising so as to ensure clear recognition and maximum take-up of Government of Canada programs, services, and benefits.
The fifth item in the amount of $42,000 relates to an adjustment to savings identified as part of the reduction in the budgets for the Offices of the Ministers and Ministers of State, which were part of the 2010-11 supplementary estimates (B). The total reduction was in the amount of $1,638,000. The original reduction amount was $1,680,000 but the reduction was overstated by $42,000; therefore, PCO's reference levels have been adjusted to reflect the accurate budget reduction.
The sixth item is a budget reduction in the amount of $1.1 million for the 2010 strategic review.
The seventh item is a transfer in the amount of $70,000 to the Treasury Board Secretariat for activities in support of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.
And finally there is a transfer in the amount of $139,000 to Foreign Affairs and International Trade to provide support to departmental staff located abroad under the Canada-Australia Exchange Program.
In closing, I would like to thank you for giving me this time to inform you of the ongoing initiatives in the 2011-12 supplementary estimates (B). We would be pleased to respond to your questions.