It's an excellent question.
Again, in the world of real property, there are unknown factors.
I can cite a dam that we did a number of years ago. We did all our boreholes and we did all our testing and preparation, but it wasn't until we completely removed all the overburden that we found a large key in the bedrock, which required many more tens of cubic yards of concrete than had originally been estimated.
Those sorts of things happen. They cause delays. You have to get revised approvals and revised authorities.
On program approvals, while some of our estimates, as colleagues have noted, bring funding to the department, getting the programs approved in terms of their architecture, their structure, and their staffing, can delay when we have to implement them and when we can start up. In that case, we ask for money to be reprofiled.
There's an amount in the supplementary estimates that was supposed to be reprofiled last winter, but the election curtailed that, so it is being reprofiled now. That's why you see some of these fundings and some of these delays.