Thank you for the question.
The federal contaminated sites program is an initiative that is administered by Environment Canada to assist the federal government in managing and remediating its contaminated sites. Public Works and Government Services Canada is a participant in this program. We are beneficiaries of some of the funding that the government has identified for this program.
We fulfill two functions for the program, or FCSP, as we call it. One is remediating PWGSC sites. At this time, the department has identified 308 contaminated sites across Canada, of which 200 sites have been remediated and closed. The remainder are either under active work or under investigation. Our portion of the funding will help us address those contaminated sites.
The funding asked for in these supplementary estimates is primarily to address removal of contaminated sediment at the Esquimalt Graving Dock in Victoria, British Columbia, and remediation along the Alaska highway.
The other function that the department performs in support of Environment Canada is professional technical services to assist departments in cleaning up their sites.